A Review Of Black Salve: Black salve, also recognized by the brand name Cansema, is pseudoscientific alternative cancer treatment. The product is regularly classified as an escharotic—a topical paste which consumes skin tissue and leaves behind a scar announced an eschar. Escharotics were widely used to treat skin lesions in the early 1900s, but have since been supplanted by safer and more effective treatments.
Escharotics, such as black lotions, are currently advertised by some different medicine marketers as medications for skin cancer, often with debatable remembrances and unproven claims of effectiveness. You might’ve heard the name black salve floating everywhere in the media lately, accompanied by horror accounts and even worse photos. But a quick google of the term will find just as many luminous analysis of miracle cancer cures.
Black Drawing Salve
Black salve is a product derived from the plant Sanguinaria canadensis, a perennial flowering plant native to northeastern America. It’s known colloquially as “bloodroot”, “Indian paint” and “red root”. The specific ingredients vary but commonly include zinc chloride (a destructive agent, which is corrosive to metals) as well as sanguinarine (a toxic plant extract).
Bloodroot was used by the American Indians, who gathered the plant from which they exhausted a red liquid. They curdled this into a paste, which they used to treat infected wounds. Early European settlers in America also controlled bloodroot to treat a variety of skin surrounding including warts and moles.
Blood root is a strong escharotic, meaning it is a caustic and destructive material. The zinc chloride and sanguinarine are corrosive, but dealers claim when it’s applied to damaged skin the healthy skin will separate and not be damaged. There’s no evidence to support this.
Instead, there’s information all tissue that comes into contact with the component is damaged, causing profound tenderness and eschar (a dry, dark scab or declining away of dead coating).
This can reasonably be compared to the result that would be expected from burning tissue by applying a strong caustic substance such as hydrochloric acid.
Its use in contemporary society dates back to the 1930s when researcher Fred Mohs used a preparation containing a low concentration of bloodroot to stabilize a tumor so he was able to examine it under a microscope.
This historical use has been used to give credibility to the use of black salve to treat skin malignancies, despite the fact Mohs publicly renounced its use for this purpose.
What Is Black Salve
![What Is Black Salve](https://growhealthexperts.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/A-Review-Of-Black-Salve-2.png)
Even as Facebook has cracked down on anti-vaxxers and peddlers of snake oil cure-alls, a particularly grotesque form of fake cancer treatment has flourished in private groups on Facebook. Black salve, a caustic black paste that eats through flesh, is enthusiastically recommended in dedicated groups as a cure for skin and breast cancer — and for other types of cancer when ingested in pill form. There’s even a group dedicated to applying the paste to pets.
A Facebook spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that these groups don’t violate its community guidelines. This summer, it launched an initiative to address “exaggerated or sensational health claims” and will downrank that content in the News Feed, similar to how it handles clickbait. But it’s not clear how it defines what a “sensational” health claim is. Citing user privacy, Facebook would not say whether or not it had downranked the black salve groups in the News Feed.
Other platforms have taken a different approach. When BuzzFeed News asked YouTube about several videos where people discussed using black salve, YouTube said the videos were in violation and removed them. Amazon, which does not sell the salve itself, removed a book about black salve when BuzzFeed News asked about it.
Doctors and medical literature are clear that black salve is not a safe or effective cure for cancer. The FDA does not allow the sale of the product in the US. But tech platforms are not in sync about how to handle it. And in the meantime, people are getting disfigured or dying.
Black Salve For Boils
Black salve is an alternative topical therapy used to treat skin cancer. It is produced in a variety of formulations; most formulations contain two core ingredients: bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) and zinc chloride. Black salve causes skin tissue destruction, resulting in the formation of an eschar of necrotic tissue that eventually sloughs away.
Bloodroot, a North American member of the poppy family, has rhizomes containing a red sap rich in cytotoxic alkaloids, sanguinarine being the alkaloid with the highest concentration. Zinc chloride, a synthetic corrosive chemical, is usually the main black salve ingredient by weight, contradicting the assertion by some vendors that black salve is a ‘natural’ therapy. The black salve may also contain several other botanical extracts and synthetic compounds. This lack of standardization and the phytochemical variation inherent in its botanical constituents make black salve a heterogenous product group with unpredictable clinical effects.
Where To Buy Black Salve
Black salve is a dark-colored herbal paste applied to the skin. It’s an extremely harmful alternative skin cancer treatment. The use of this treatment isn’t backed by scientific research. In fact, the FDA has labeled it a “fake cancer cure,” and it’s illegal to sell the ointment as a cancer treatment. Still, it’s available for sale via the internet and mail-order companies.
Black salve is also known as drawing salve. It’s available under the brand name Cansema.
Some people apply this corrosive ointment on malignant tumors and moles with the intent of destroying cancerous skin cells. However, there is absolutely no evidence that black salve is effective for treating any kind of cancer. Using black salve can result in serious and painful side effects.
Black salve is a paste, poultice, or ointment made of various herbs. It’s applied directly to areas on the body with the hope of burning away or “drawing out” cancer.
Black salve is commonly made with zinc chloride or the flowering North American plant bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). Bloodroot contains a powerfully corrosive alkaloid called sanguinarine.
Black salves are classified as escharotics because they destroy skin tissue and leave behind a thick scar called an eschar.
Black salve was commonly used during the 18th and 19th centuries to chemically burn off tumors that were isolated to the top layers of skin. It has been promoted and used by naturopaths as an alternative cancer treatment with dubious results.
Scientific studiesTrusted Source doesn’t support the claims that black salve is an effective treatment for melanoma and other types of skin cancer. On the other hand, some alternative medical practitioners believe black salve:
- reduces excess fluid
- enhances oxygen flow to the brain
- decreases all malignancies in the body
- strengthens enzyme structure
What is black salve used for?
Black salve, also known as drawing salve, is a corrosive herbal paste that’s applied to the skin over tumors, skin tags, moles, and infections. It has also been applied to the skin over internal tumor sites to “draw out” cancer.