Things to Know About Dental Crowns

7 Min Read

The teeth are made of two essential parts; the root and crown. It is a part of the tooth that projects above the gum. On the other hand, a dental crown is a handmade cemented cap molded to cover partially or fully the visible portion of a tooth to give it rigidity, shape improved appearance.

It can be due to a high intake of sugar, leading to common dental problems such as decay, discoloration, broken teeth, poor oral hygiene, and many more. A dental technician usually makes it for the best result. It has served as a very candid solution for various tooth conditions.

Types of Dental Crown

  • Porcelain crown: fully porcelain crown and porcelain boned over a metal
  • Resin
  • Ceramic
  • Metal
  • Zirconia

When Do You Need a Dental Crown?

To prevent a dental implant from being visible, it can serve as a replacement for a tooth that has been broken, weak, or worn out.

To protect a weak tooth from decay, it holds a broken to stand firmly; it covers a misshapen tooth due to discoloration or an awkward shape; after undergoing a root canal, it is best due to the fragile nature of the tooth for cosmetic reasons, if you are diagnosed with cracked tooth syndrome if your tooth shows sign of trying to come off or it’s close to breaking.

How it is Fixed

How To Fix The Dental Crown Issue

Firstly, two tests will be carried out; the first will be an x-ray showing how healthy and fit the root is to enable the crown to get fixed on a tooth, the second test will be on the tooth which is being carried out with a cold substance to be sure the tooth is in good condition.

Once the test result comes out positive, two appointments sessions are fixed with the patient, one for preparing the tooth and fixing a temporary one and fixing a permanent one. You can check this link for more if you need help with installing a crown.

You will be given an anesthetic on the first appointment to enable your teeth to go numb, exposing cases where a patient’s teeth have a root canal treatment. The dentist works on the size and shape to get a smaller result to fit it correctly. He scans and sends the result to a dental technician who makes the crown.

A temporary one will be cemented with temporary cement to hold it in place, which will last for ten days until your next appointment. You will also have to pick a color and shade that matches the other teeth.

On the second appointment, your tooth may not necessarily be numb. The cement will be cleaned off from the temporary one and removed before fixing the permanent one on your tooth to check the fitness; if you are satisfied with your teeth and necessary adjustments, it will be cemented and become a permanent dental fitting. Also Read – de

Dental Crown Care

  • Brush twice a day with a toothpaste considered for sensitive teeth.
  • Gently clean by sliding the floss between the crown once a day.
  • Refrain from eating hard and chewy foods like nuts, chips, chewing gum, candy, etc. Chewing gum can stick and pull out the fitting, while hard foods can cause breaks in chewing gum crowns.
  • Do not chew ice.
  • Do not use your teeth to open items.
  • Do not grind or clench your teeth; in cases where you clench or grind your teeth while sleeping, consult your dentist to provide a night guard to protect your surrounding teeth.
  • Avoid biting or chewing your fingernails.

Possible Problems that Can Arise

After getting a crown tooth fixed, the anesthetic begins to wear off with time, causing sharp pain on the teeth, which can be very discomforting to keep calm will ease gradually, but if you try eating with it and it causes pain, speak with your dentist.

It may be a sign of the wrong position of the crown. You can experience a loose-fitting that may fall off due to weaning off the cement used and leaves your dentition prone to bacteria causing decay; visit your dentist to re-cement or change it entirely if bad. Allergies can occur due to the materials like metals or porcelain used, but it is seen in rare cases. There are more suggestions here on how to keep your dentition bacteria-free.

Crowns made of porcelain are not so strong so that chips can occur, so thatch can be easily fixed unless the chip is large. When you observe gum bleeding, it can be a symptom of gum disease and irritation caused by the metal material; seek assistance from your doctor. You can have gum recession due to aging, creating margins at your gum line, and the porcelain will appear grey.

Duration of a Crown Tooth

Most certainly, it can last for 5-15 years if not subjected to regular appointments with the dentist and good oral hygiene. You have to prevent them from bacteria; you use a fracture and a cavity to prevent it from wearing off and needing a replacement too soon.

Cost of a Dental Crown

The cost varies depending on the country you reside in and the material’s nature to be used; you may request all types or certain types of materials.

Suppose you have any material in mind or speak with the dentist to know the suitable material for your condition. In a case where you have a dental insurance company, for clarity’s sake, make inquiries if you are covered fully or partially.

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